2023 Tallinn Piano & Choral Olympics Competition (online)
Choral Category Entry Fee: 120€ per choir
A. Children Choir
Minimum 10 singers and not more than 40 singers
age up to 16. It is accepted that not more than 10% of singers may have more than 16 years old but should be less than 20 y.o.
3 Competition Categories below: A, B & C
choir can apply any one or more category
Children Choir Category A
Any one or two pieces composed after 2000
Time requirement: 6-10 min in total
(own choice can be sung in native language of the choir)
Children Choir Category B
Required pieces:
Any one piece from a) to d) AND one own choice piece within 5min
a) "Night of Rainbows" by Darius Lim
listen Purchase pdf score
b) " I Search for Heaven" by Darius Lim
listen Purchase pdf score
c) Any one following piece from “Lost Animals” (2013) by Robert S.Cohen
Download score: here
1. The Dodo
2. Wolly listen
3. Tortoise Moon listen
4. Tale of the PupFish listen
d) Tina Davidson "Plankton” (listen)
Request Score: [email protected]
Set piece a) for Children Choir Class B |
Tale of the Pupfish (SA) live recording: |
Plankton recording |